بایگانی برچسب: s

دانلود کتاب ژئوتکنیک و ژئوفیزیک خصوصیات سایت (GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOPHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERIZATION) (م

منبع : سیویل استارز

دانلود کتاب ژئوتکنیک و ژئوفیزیک خصوصیات سایت (GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOPHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERIZATION)

A collection of more than 200 papers, Geotechnical and Geophysical Site
Characterization covers new developments in mechanical in-situ testing
and interpretation techniques, statistical analysis of test data,
geo-environmental site characterization, soil sampling methods,
multi-dimensional geophysical imaging techniques, residual/unsaturated
soil characterization, and case histories that involve major
construction projects or disaster investigations. Geotechnical and
Geophysical Site Characterization provides a wealth of valuable
information for practicing engineers as well as researchers worldwide.

در ادامه مطلب

بازگشت به صفحه اصلی وبلاگ مهندسی عمران راه و ساختمان(مهندس حسن فراهانی)

مهندسی عمران راه و ساختمان